Even though my outfit, makeup, and hair was looking good, for once, I hadn't gotten the girls ready yet, or packed their bags or gotten Sophie a bottle yet. Gabe walks in and we are rushing to get them ready and fed and out the door. Thankfully church is a 1 minutes drive from our house or we would have been walking in when the Sacrament was over. It was just one of those Sundays where you're going to be late and no matter in which order you try to get yourself or the kids ready, you are going to be late. But I was still feeling good about how I looked and confident in my lesson. That calmed me down.
I wanted to take the last 10 minutes of Sacrament meeting to read over my lesson outline again, but Sydney insisted that she sit on my lap the entire meeting and read to her Little Critter books. Sophie had thrown up all over her dress on the way to church, so Gabe ran back home, grabbed a new dress for Sophie, and crackers and cheese for me to eat since breakfast somehow didn't make it my way this morning. Needless to say, the crackers are still uneaten.
When the meeting ended, I quickly dropped Sydney off at Nursery and then ran to the library for chalk, skipped to my room and set everything up for my lesson. I walked back to the Young Women room for opening excersizes and realized my class had gone to pick up a new Beehive from Primary. I darted down the hall and made it just in time. Opening excersizes went a little long in YW, but when we were dismissed for classes I couldn't wait to get started on my lesson. I was rather excited about it because I felt I had prepared pretty well.
We all sat down and then the bishopric members from both wards (since the Primary and YW/YM are combined between the two wards) came in to set apart a new Beehive Presidency. I enjoyed watching the new girls be set apart and observing the old presidency all bummed over it. I sat there trying to think back to when I was in the Beehive Presidency those some 14 years ago. (Wow!)
By the time all the other announcements and things finished, I had just a little under 15 minutes for my lesson. Oh boy. Those 15 minutes went by so stinkin' fast, I can't remember if I made any sense. But all I remember is a classroom of girls looking like this...
I was starting to doubt myself a little, starting to sweat those buckets and I swear a bobby pin had just fallen out of my hair...
I think half the class was talking and then the other half were looking at the floor. So I stood up and started handing out papers and having them write their favorite scripture down. Anything to get them to just do something related to the lesson. By the end of the 15 minutes, I wasn't sure anything I had said made any sense and I later asked my friend Lindsay, who is the other advisor, "Did anything I said make any sense? I feel like I get blank stairs a lot." Which seems to be common for that class as I later learned. Lindsay is also new to beehives, she was called as the other advisor 2 weeks after I was since both the previous advisors moved. She walked up to me and said, "the lesson was fantastic but those girls need a lesson on respect!"
All in all, everything was pretty smooth. I just can't remember a thing I said and if it came across as being anything related to Scripture Study.
I think maybe its just that age group. They are still quite young and kids still and not anything like I would have expected. They still ask to sit on the floor sometimes or they are chatting about boys or are making odd noises like little kids sometimes do. It was rather surprising. But I guess that is to be expected... they are barely in middle school and I have to remember that I still liked playing in the mud when I was 11 or 12. The girl who was asked to give the closing prayer did a playful,"Oh man! Ok fine I will." and another quickly said to her, "Your husband will be hotter!"... I guess that's a positive was to think about prayer. haha
1 comment:
Since you ask for comments, I will comment. Sounds like your lesson was like most Beehive lessons, it is a lot like primary, so don't get discouraged. They will grow up as the year progresses. Some of the girls will mature sooner than others. I am sure your lesson was fine. I used to try to tell a few funny stories (when I had time). Hopefully you'll have more time to teach next Sunday.
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