Oct 31, 2012

"It's Naptime. Stay There!"

Sophie is growing so stinkin' fast that I sometimes have her wear some of Sydney's clothes that I JUST put into storage bins. She has already worn several of Sydney's 2T dresses from last year and half the time I have her in the same size diaper as Sydney because...well she just needs the bigger size on some days.
She turned 10 months old the other day and is just the happiest little girl ever! I used to think Sydney was super mellow as an infant, but Sophie takes the cake. Sophie has been cruising along for over a month now like its the only thing she has ever done to get around and we are sure she will be walking by her first birthday. She just loves hanging out with her sister and giggling at wee hours of the morning when Sydney decides to turn on the light because its time to get up. They will usually sleep until 7 every morning so those days when I am up before 7 just seem like I woke up at 3 in the morning instead of the actual 6 or 6:30.
Sydney has been doing really well all around. She is about to transition to the older Nursery class for the 3 year olds and I think she hasn't liked the change when they take her into the new room. She is soo used to her teachers that she has had for over a year. There is one teacher who is just sooo wonderful with the nursery kids that I wish she could be Sydney's teacher forever.
Sydney got her first couple of knee scrapes. Pretty good ones I'll say, at Grandma's this past Sunday. That patio made of rocks in her backyard just cuts up her knees if she falls on it. So now she has two scraped knees and several bruises.
Sydney was sick last week. Monday she had an upset stomach all over the carpet and then developed a fever of 101. She kept having that fever off and on until Wednesday when she had another upset stomach. She is doing much better now. She fell asleep on the couch during the presidential debate and slept through the whole thing. I enjoyed that she wanted me to hold her alot. It seems she doesn't like to be held very much anymore unless she has been disciplined or if she has been crying for several minutes over something she can't have. She obviously gets a little jealous whenever I am holding Sophie or having Sophie next to me on the couch. THEN she wants to take Sophie's spot. But anyways, Sydney is all better. But my carpet still had a slight vomit smell to it and Febreeze just ain't cuttin' it. Sophie also decided that she needed to unload a whole ton all over the carpet also. She must have been holding that for over 48 hours because it was everywhere and I didn't notice it until I smelled something foul and saw her about to touch it. "Oooo! Something new to stick in my mouth!" which seems to be her logic in life right now.
Sophie has also been eating more solids. She can eat little bits of pasta and grated cheese and mushy veggies. I feel like I have caught up with her eating so that she can now eat small bits of whatever we eat. She is getting a third tooth on the bottom. No teeth on top yet, but I'm sure those will come in in the next couple months. At least by her 1st birthday, which is only 2 months away! Crazy!!
Sydney has been working on her counting more and she can count to 20 and count backwards from 10 now. She can spell Dad, Mom, Sydney, and Sophie. She also likes to spell out things she sees and I will tell her what it says. By the next time she sees it, she spells it out and says what it says on her own. I think she will be a good reader. :) She loves the garden outside and likes to "smell" it. I don't know where she got it from but maybe when I told Gabe to go smell the basil.
I probably have things growing out of season, but we have snap peas, green beans, basil, romaine, cilantro, broccoli, and tomatoes growing. The cilantro is ready to use, but nothing else yet. Although they are growing fast. I really want to find some winter squash before the season is too late.
We went on a hike the other day when it was dry and we actually found time to go. It was really nice outside and Sydney walked with Gabe and I while Gabe carried Sophie.

 Our ward's trunk or treat was this past Friday and it ended up being super fun. Although we were soo tired, we almost went home before the trick or treating. But when that finally started Sydney was all over it. She would actually say "Trick or Treat" all on her own. She will do anything for Candy, really. We are going trick or treating again tonight so I will get a good picture of her and Sophie, but here is a semi focused picture of Sophie and I at the ward activity.
 And here is just a cute little picture I found of Sydney when she was still so small. They grow too fast!
One last thing. A couple weeks ago Sydney took one of her dolls and set it down on her toy bucket. She said to it "Okay, its time for a nap. Stay here. I'll get you some milk." Then she walked toward the kitchen, turned around quickly and said a little forcefully to the doll, "Stay there!" and then she continued to walk into the kitchen. It was sooo cute.

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