Sep 18, 2012

It Say's "Crunchy"

^ Hopefully my siblings will get the title.

Here's a short and sweet update...
We had a rat problem recently. I could sum up the whole experience as "the grossest thing I have ever had to deal with", but that may not be entirely true. It was however close to being just that.
But thanks to the pest control man who plugged up all the holes around and in the house, both of the rats died. Both in the garage. Accompanied with the flies and maggots and the one decaying rat carcass that eluded us for two days.

At least now we have a clean garage, well organized again, and rat free.

School has started again and Gabe is back to his normal work schedule. The girls and I are filling up our days with little crafts and books, and playing, and maybe a movie or two, and having fun! Sydney knows how to spell "Dad" now! Isn't that exciting? I made several posters that hang on her wall. One for numbers, 1-20, shapes and colors. She knows the difference between a pentagon, hexagon, and octogon and not only know the ones I drew but she recognizes them out and about when we are going places. I made a poster also that helps her to spell all our names, and  made a cardboard clock that she likes to play with and turn the hands. She had way moe toys than she needs so I have a task ahead of me of organizing them all into age appropriate containers along with all the girls' clothing.


Celia's Gibberish said...

I got the title :)

Shelley said...

T double-E double-R double-R double-I double-F double-I double-C, C, C.